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Since these terms and conditions were written the words “agent”, “registration agent” and “tag holder” have been replaced with the single term registrar. This has been done to standardise the terminology used across all of our communications. In the Terms and Conditions of Domain Name Registration below these original words are still used.


By registering a domain name ending in .uk (with some very limited exceptions), you enter into a contract of registration with us (Nominet UK) on the following conditions, which includes conditions limiting our liability and relating to our use of your personal information. This contract is just for the domain name and separate to any arrangement you may have with any other organisation for providing internet services. For an explanation of the meaning of the endings of .uk names, see the rules on our website at www.nominet.org.uk

We are a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, generally performing these services on a cost-recovery basis, and we cannot investigate what rights you have to register or use the domain name. So, we think it is reasonable for us to limit our liability in certain respects so that we may continue to offer our services in the interests of the whole internet community.

This contract includes the DRS policy, the DRS procedure and the rules. You can get copies of these from our website or from us. Other policies we refer to do not form part of this contract and may change at any time.

Nam et ipsum nunc. Nulla porttitor purus in sem lobortis a pulvinar dolor interdum. In eu purus nibh. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas ullamcorper risus risus. Duis non mauris elit, cursus gravida nisi. Phasellus accumsan, mauris in sollicitudin adipiscing, nisl nisl placerat leo, vitae laoreet justo turpis non sem. Mauris faucibus sagittis justo, eu consequat nibh interdum et. Donec dignissim risus in massa placerat et viverra enim fringilla. Nam accumsan venenatis magna, eu fringilla velit rutrum et. Curabitur interdum luctus porta. Phasellus facilisis nunc ac ligula auctor id pulvinar ligula mollis. Vestibulum congue, sem et vestibulum elementum, ligula orci mattis mauris, vel vehicula nulla nulla id ipsum.

Quisque tincidunt consequat interdum. Proin blandit eleifend mattis. Aliquam libero urna, tristique eu pretium quis, laoreet nec risus. Integer eget justo massa, auctor lobortis ipsum. Etiam non dolor nunc, ut rhoncus nisl. Nulla id dui nec tortor congue sagittis. Pellentesque eget mi velit, quis malesuada mi. Donec quis leo nulla, vel bibendum quam. Morbi in metus eget mauris varius consectetur nec quis felis. Praesent scelerisque pellentesque neque at rutrum. Sed volutpat rhoncus nulla et varius. Vestibulum at tellus eget erat fringilla venenatis ultricies sed sem. Sed commodo, mauris vitae molestie cursus, erat odio tristique ipsum, id ullamcorper purus ipsum id magna.